Whether you have a lovely new lawn or a beautifully established one, winter can be a challenging time for lawns in Melbourne. If your yard has Kikuyu, Couch or Buffalo turf, it will become dormant in winter. This means the grass will stop growing, the leaves will weaken and lose their colour. A cool season grass, like Tall Fescue, won’t lose its colour but still needs care in winter. The secret to a fabulous summer lawn is to look after it in winter. Here are our expert tips for managing your lawn throughout the cooler months in Victoria.
Lawns need to be fed to remain strong and healthy. In early April, apply a fertiliser with higher potassium (NPK 5:10:25) to stimulate root growth and “winterise” it for dormancy. This is typically 25g per square metre.
As winter begins, you’ll notice that your lawn’s growth slows and requires less mowing. When this happens, it’s best to raise your lawn mower or stop mowing all together. Take the break!
Your lawn will find it difficult to compete with weeds during winter. So, watch for weeds and remove them as soon as possible. It’s best to do this by hand. If weeds persist into spring and summer, you can consider spraying them.
Try not to wear out your lawn in winter. Extra foot traffic can weaken warm season grass during dormancy.
At the end of winter, the soil may be compacted. Aerate your lawn with a garden fork or mechanical aeration equipment. You could also wear aeration shoes to loosen up your lawn and get some exercise at the same time!
Got any questions about how to keep your lawn healthy during winter?
Our staff are experts in the turf industry and are ready to discuss your requirements for your next project with you.