CoverLawn is the best of both worlds - natural plus synthetic lawn! Read our handy guide on how to install it.
CoverLawn, as its name suggests, is a synthetic cover which is placed over your lawn! It is easy to install and it protects your natural grass from damage.
Simply roll-out it out, peg it down, and watch your grass grow from beneath.
CoverLawn is unique. It is an open synthetic turf, with no backing. Using a knitting technique, the synthetic fibres create a braid of knots, and when stretched, these braids form a honeycomb of holes.
These holes allow the natural grass to grow through, and the fibres protect the grass from damage.
This gives you a true ‘hybrid grass’ for home lawns. No more bare patches.
CoverLawn can be laid over seed, instant turf, or an existing lawn.
Our staff are experts in the turf industry and are ready to discuss your requirements for your next project with you.